Code Stencil provides an elegant, easy to read pattern that is great for generating stub files, and will streamline your code generation tasks. A common occurrence with code generation is that readability and maintenance suffer, but with Code Stencil, it's a piece of cake!
Create a class
->curlyStatement('class MyClass', fn(Stencil $s) => $s
->line('private OtherClass $otherClass;')
->use(OtherClass::class) // This will add a use statement to the file
summary: 'Create a new instance of MyClass',
tags: ['param' => ['OtherClass $class', 'bool $options']]
->curlyStatement('function __construct(OtherClass $class, bool $options = false)', fn(Stencil $s) => $s
->line('$this->otherClass = $class;')
Show Result
declare(strict_types = 1);
namespace App\Models;
use OtherClass;
class MyClass
private OtherClass $otherClass;
* Create a new instance of MyClass
* @param OtherClass $class
* @param bool $options
function __construct(OtherClass $class, bool $options = false)
$this->otherClass = $class;
It can also become much more dynamic, with the addition of variables, functions, and conditional logic.
Variables, functions, and conditionals
$properties = ['Id', 'Name', 'StartAt'];
$includeTimestamp = false;
->variable('__class__', 'MyClass')
->function('lcfirst', fn(string $value) => lcfirst($value))
->curlyStatement('class __class__', fn(Stencil $s) => $s
->foreach($properties, fn(Stencil $s, string $property) => $s
->line("private string % lcfirst %($property);") // We can call our 'lcfirst' function that we defined above using this syntax
->when($includeTimestamp, fn(Stencil $s) => $s->line('private DateTime $timestamp;'))
->save('__class__.php') // File output will be to MyClass.php
Show Result
class MyClass {
private string id;
private string name;
private string startAt;
This example is basic, but there's no limit to the complexity of code you can generate!